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Which is better for Content Marketing- Quantity or Quality? David Fink, President, Chief Communications Officer of The DavidHenry Agency shares his thoughts!

In response to this Content Marketing article, I wanted to share my perspective on some of the topics that were debated by the panelists. At DavidHenry (marketing and media company), QUALITY will always trump quantity. To use media placement as an example, would you rather have 15 billboards in average locations for your campaign or 5 billboard locations that are excellent to reach your intended audience(s)? Content is not any different. Quality of content is essential – and your writing style, core message, communications platform, program and media should ALL reflect your brand. To the panelist who mentioned “quantity leads to quality” – I 100% disagree. Your content needs to be engaging, compelling, relevant, and most importantly in marketing – motivate someone to take action!


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