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Lorem Ipsum: A Deeper Dive from DavidHenry’s Debbie Fitzgerald


Often when a designer starts working on a concept it is just that, a concept. There is no definitive direction for the copy.  We might have a headline but since we are still in the process of pitching the client on the concepts, we won’t fully flush out the body copy.  How then can it be conveyed to a client that yes there will indeed be copy points to support the headline and the visual that was excruciatingly chosen specifically for that layout?

The answer is simple. Lorem Ipsum.

What is Lorem Ipsum you say? According to Wikipedia, In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum[1] is a placeholder text (filler text) commonly used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation, such as font, typography, and layout, by removing the distraction of meaningful content. The lorem ipsum text is typically a mangled section of De finibus bonorum et malorum, a 1st-century BC Latin text by Cicero, with words altered, added, and removed that make it nonsensical and not proper Latin.[1]

Somewhere in the recess of my mind, I think I did learn that it was derived from Cicero, but that is neither here nor there.  Lorem Ipsum is standard fare when it comes to design process. It gives both the client and copywriters a general idea as far as how much copy is going to be included in a piece, which is important!

A friend had posted on her Facebook page that she wanted to create a NEW Lorem Ipsum and in turn posted a link to a Lorem Ipsum generator called “Choose Your Ipsum.” (  It made my heart go pitter patter. Here you can choose from such Ipsums as:

Bacon Ipsum

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet leberkas jowl strip steak brisket. Venison corned beef meatball tenderloin, leberkas pork loin shankle strip steak biltong andouille short ribs filet mignon pork jerky. Flank ham hock brisket turkey. Fatback chicken beef, andouille bacon shankle cow tail corned beef frankfurter brisket doner.

Batman Ipsum

Gordon… You do like to play things pretty close to the chest.

It will be extremely painful… for you

Behind you, stands a symbol of oppression. Blackgate Prison, where a thousand men have languished under the name of this man: Harvey Dent.

And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.

When their enemies were at the gates the Romans would suspend democracy and appoint one man to protect the city. It wasn’t considered an honor, it was a public service.

Samuel L. Ipsum (definitely not suitable for work)

Lebowski Ipsum

Excuse me! Mark it zero. Next frame. Dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. A dick, man! And let me tell you something: I dig your work. Playing one side against the other —in bed with everybody— fabulous stuff, man. Praesent ac magna justo pellentesque ac lectus quis elit blandit fringilla a ut. This compulsive fornicator is taking my father for the proverbial ride. Turpis praesent felis ligula, malesuada suscipit malesuada non, ultrices non urna sed.

And quite possibly my favorite…

Busey Ipsum

It’s good to yell at people and tell people that you’re from Tennesee, so that way you’ll be safe. This is just common superficiality. Is thats whats so special about a woman? Superficiality with their face colors?  Did you feel that? Look at me – I’m not out of breath anymore! Listen to the silence. And when the silence is deafening, you’re in the center of your own universe.

Now not every client could handle a project with Busey’isms thrown in there…. but it would make it more fun to review creative concepts. Clients beware!!!


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